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So, what's the issue with Apple?

Apple has opted to keep turning iPhone to Android and Android to iPhone text messages into SMS and MMS, both of which are old, and out of date. (Since the 90's!)

Apple can simply make the decision to switch to the industry standard RCS, benefitting both the Android and IOS users.

It's not only the poor image quality, Apple turning messages into SMS and MMS also prevents some messages from Android users to be sent to IOS users, even with WiFi! (Oh, and, its not end to end encrypted.)

Ready to let Apple #getthemessage?

All you need to do, is to click that button below and voice out your opinions on Twitter for Apple to get the message. Every tweet counts.

If you're not ready yet, feel free to drop by Google's website on #getthemessage. 

Let's make an impact for Apple to up their game.

We'll see you there.